In the Crystal Castle just past the second door, where eyeballs are falling from above, climb any rope through the ceiling.In the Rock Castle after the third door, continue all the way to the right and climb the rope up through the ceiling.In the room just before the third door in the Cloud Castle, climb the rope through the ceiling to warp to an earlier room where you can find meat in the bricks in the middle of the ceiling.After the third door in the Plant Castle, continue to the left and climb the rope through the ceiling.In stage two of Dracula's Castle, climb through the ceiling in the room with a door, a large bat, and an upside down monster that can take away your stronger whips.
Enter the following passwords for the desired effect:
1)First, enter the Extra Lives password
2)Start playing at any castle
3)Reset the game (press the 4 buttons at the same time)
4)Enter any castle password
5)Bingo!!!, you can play with 10 lives (at any castle).