Shichida Shiki Training Unou Tanren Unotan DS: Shun Kan Shoubu! Kiokuryoku

Shichida Shiki Training Unou Tanren Unotan DS: Shun Kan Shoubu! Kiokuryoku

Shichida Shiki Training Unou Tanren Unotan DS: Shun Kan Shoubu! Kiokuryoku

Both games focus on improving memory, concentration and judgment through progressively difficult brain training games where speed and accuracy count. Brain Boost: Beta Wave focuses on stimulating parts of the right brain that are often associated with active concentration and busy thinking. Brain Boost: Beta Wave includes Find a Match, Shape Recognition, Addition, Remember Sequence and Moving Dots training games.


Shichida Shiki Training Unou Tanren Unotan DS: Shun Kan Shoubu! Kiokuryoku

Both games focus on improving memory, concentration and judgment through progressively difficult brain training games where speed and accuracy count. Brain Boost: Beta Wave focuses on stimulating parts of the right brain that are often associated with active concentration and busy thinking. Brain Boost: Beta Wave includes Find a Match, Shape Recognition, Addition, Remember Sequence and Moving Dots training games.

Interchannel, Majesco
Miscellaneous > Edutainment
1 Player
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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Shichida Shiki Training Unou Tanren Unotan DS: Shun Kan Shoubu! Kiokuryoku (Nintendo DS). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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