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Cheat Codes/Hints

Exclusive Washington monument

Enter one of the following in the museum password menu:

kipling - Anglican Cathedral (UK)
gaugin - Arc de Triomphe (France)
kawabata - Atomic Dome (Japan)
orwell - Big Ben (UK)
hanafuda - Bowser Castle (Nintendo)
gropius - Brandenburg Gate (Germany)
kerouac - Coit Tower (San Francisco)
rodin - Conciergerie (France)
mishima - Daibutsu (Japan)
shonagon - Edo Castle (Japan)
camus - Eiffel Tower (France)
twain - Gateway Arch (USA)
f.scott - Grand Central Station (USA)
mahfouz - Great Pyramids (Egypt)
ataturk - Hagia Sofia (Turkey)
kivi - Helsinki Cathedral (Finland)
hokusai - Himeji Castle (Japan)
durer - Holstentor (Germany)
mlkingjr - Independence Hall (USA)
thompson - Jefferson Memorial (USA)
soseki - Kokkai (Japan)
hemingway - LA Landmark
melville - Lincoln Memorial (Washington DC)
dickens - Liver Building (UK)
damemelba - Melbourne Cricket Ground (Australia)
austen - Metropolitan Cath. (UK)
allende - Moai (Chile)
hiroshige - Mt. Fuji (Japan)
yuantlee - National Museum (Taiwan)
beethoven - Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany)
hugo - Notre Dame (France)
bunche - Palace of Fine Arts (USA)
cervantes - Palacio Real (Spain)
daumier - Paris Opera (France)
callas - Parthenon (Greece)
zewail - Pharos of Alexandria (Egypt)
phu - Rama IX Royal Park (Thailand)
goethe - Reichstag (Germany)
dali - Sagrada Familia (Spain)
basho - Shuri Castle (Japan)
pauling - Smithsonian Castle (USA)
haykal - Sphinx (Egypt)
defoe - St Paul's Cathedral (UK)
tolstoy - St. Basil's Cathedral (Russia)
mozart - St. Stephen's Cathedral (Austria)
pollack - Statue of Liberty (USA)
bergman - Stockholm Palace (Sweden)
tagore - Taj Mahal (India)
maugham - Tower of London (UK)
joyce - Trafalgar Square (UK)
amnesty - United Nations (UN)
poe - United States Capitol
capote / copote - Washington Monument
greene - Westminster Abbey (UK)
steinbeck - White House (Washington DC)

Landmarks codes

Select the "Museum" option at the main menu. Then, select the "Landmark Collection" option and enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Landmark - Code

Anglican Cathedral (U.K.) - kipling
Arc de Triomphe (France) - gaugin
Atomic Dome (Japan) - kawabata
Big Ben (U.K.) - orwell
Bowser Castle (Nintendo) - hanafuda
Brandenburg Gate (Germany) - gropius
Coit Tower (U.S.) - kerouac
Conciergerie (France) - rodin
Daibutsu (Japan) - mishima
Edo Castle (Japan) - shonagon
Eiffel Tower (France) - camus
Gateway Arch (U.S.) - twain
Grand Central Station (U.S.) - f.scott
Great Pyramids (Egypt) - mahfouz
Hagia Sofia (Turkey) - ataturk
Helsinki Cathedral (Finland) - kivi
Himeji Castle (Japan) - hokusai
Holstentor (Germany) - durer
Independence Hall (U.S.) - mlkingjr
Jefferson Memorial (U.S.) - thompson
Kokkai (Japan) - soseki
L.A. Landmark (U.S.) - hemingway
Lincoln Memorial (U.S.) - melville
Liver Building (U.K.) - dickens
Melbourne Cricket Ground (Australia) - damemelba
Metropolitan Cathedral (U.K.) - austen
Moai (Chile) - allende
Mt. Fuji (Japan) - hiroshige
National Museum (Taiwan) - yuantlee
Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany) - beethoven
Notre Dame (France) - hugo
Palace of Fine Arts (U.S.) - bunche
Palacio Real (Spain) - cervantes
Paris Opera (France) - daumier
Parthenon (Greece) - callas
Pharos of Alexandria (Egypt) - zewail
Rama IX Royal Park (Thailand) - phu
Reichstag (Germany) - goethe
Sagrada Familia (Spain) - dali
Shuri Castle (Japan) - basho
Smithsonian Castle (U.S.) - pauling
Sphinx (Egypt) - haykal
St Paul's Cathedral (U.K.) - defoe
St. Basil's Cathedral (Russia) - tolstoy
St. Stephen's Cathedral (Austria) - mozart
Statue of Liberty (U.S.) - pollack
Stockholm Palace (Sweden) - bergman
Sydney Opera House (Australia) - bradman
Taj Mahal (India) - tagore
Tower of London (U.K.) - maugham
Trafalgar Square (U.K.) - joyce
United Nations (UN) - amnesty
United States Capitol (U.S.) - poe
Washington Monument (U.S.) - capote
Westminster Abbey (U.K.) - greene
White House (U.S.) - steinbeck

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Unlockable buildings from population frowth

If your city reached a certain amount of people, Dr. Simtown will reward you with a building which may help your city.

How to unlock




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