Nintendo DSi LL Hardware

Nintendo DSi LL Hardware

Nintendo DSi LL Hardware

The Nintendo DS is a high-powered handheld video game system in a sleek folding design - loaded with features for a unique gaming experience. The lower touch screen provides a totally new way of playing and controlling games. Use the built-in wireless mode to share games, chat or even play multiplayer games on-line via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Play impressive 3-D rendered Nintendo DS games - and play all your favorite Game Boy Advance games in single player mode.


Nintendo DSi LL Hardware

The Nintendo DS is a high-powered handheld video game system in a sleek folding design - loaded with features for a unique gaming experience. The lower touch screen provides a totally new way of playing and controlling games. Use the built-in wireless mode to share games, chat or even play multiplayer games on-line via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Play impressive 3-D rendered Nintendo DS games - and play all your favorite Game Boy Advance games in single player mode.

Hardware > Console
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Cheat Codes/Hints

Secret Birthday Tune

When you load up your DS, you'll hear the normal tune that comes on. But when turning on your DS on your birthday, you'll hear a different start up jingle.


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