Left or Right: Ambidextrous Challenge

Left or Right: Ambidextrous Challenge

Left or Right: Ambidextrous Challenge

Are you a righty or a lefty? What if you could be both? With Left Brain, Right Brain, you can hone your mental skills to become truly ambidextrous. While training your hands with speed based DS Mini-games, you'll also be training the left and right hemispheres of your brain. It's like two games in one!


Left or Right: Ambidextrous Challenge

Are you a righty or a lefty? What if you could be both? With Left Brain, Right Brain, you can hone your mental skills to become truly ambidextrous. While training your hands with speed based DS Mini-games, you'll also be training the left and right hemispheres of your brain. It's like two games in one!

Japan Art Media (JAM)
Miscellaneous > Edutainment
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