Lunar Knights

Lunar Knights

Lunar Knights

Lunar Knights


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Lunar Knights (Nintendo DS). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Boss Rush mode

Successfully complete the game, then start a new game with your cleared game file. Enter Sheridan's Mansion to access Boss Rush mode.

Enable RockMan crossover quest

Enter this code while at the eastern solar bank to start the RockMan (MegaMan) crossover quest: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right L R L R.

Hard mode

Successfully complete the game.

Solar Sensors

Have the Game Boy Advance game Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand! in the cartridge slot to get the "Solar Sensor Ver. 1" as an item in the "Valuables" menu. This Solar Sensor allows Aaron or Lucian to replenish their ENE at a faster rate based on sunlight and will charge the Solar Station.

Have the Game Boy Advance game Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django in the cartridge slot to get the "Solar Sensor Ver. 2" as an item in the "Valuables" menu. This Solar Sensor allows Aaron or Lucian to replenish their ENE and LIFE at a faster rate based on sunlight and will charge the Solar Station.

Have the Game Boy Advance game Shin Bokura no Taiyou: Gyakushuu no Sabata in the cartridge slot to get the "Solar Sensor Ver. 3" as an item in the "Valuables" menu. This Solar Sensor allows Aaron or Lucian to replenish their ENE and TRC at a faster rate based on sunlight and will charge the Solar Station.


Complete the specified task to obtain the title.

Unlockable - How to Unlock

Adventurer - Complete the Epilogue Tower
Dark Knight - Reach level 99 with Sabata
Gladiator - S-Rank all boss battles
Guardian - Max out the protection capabilities of all sheilds
Gun Master - Raise the level of all of Django's guns to 16
Hunt Master - Defeat one of every type of monster
Shooting Master - S-Rank every Laplace stage
Sol Gunner - Reach level 99 with Django
SP Agent - Clear all quests assigned by the guild
Sword Master - Raise the level of all of Sabata's weapons to 16
Treasure Master - Obtain all accessories
Wanderer - Clear the game on every difficulty


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