Digimon Story: Sunburst

Digimon Story: Sunburst

Digimon Story: Sunburst

Digimon World Dawn and Digimon World Dusk for the Nintendo DS are parallel games with different selections of Digimon for players to collect and use. Featuring an interweaving narrative, the storyline of the games is seen from the perspective of two rival groups as they seek to uncover the culprit behind a disaster that is causing Digimon around the world to devolve into digi-eggs. Gameplay in Dawn and Dusk is highlighted by a turn-based battle system in which players strategically position the game's 400 Digimon for maximum combat efficiency.


Digimon Story: Sunburst

Digimon World Dawn and Digimon World Dusk for the Nintendo DS are parallel games with different selections of Digimon for players to collect and use. Featuring an interweaving narrative, the storyline of the games is seen from the perspective of two rival groups as they seek to uncover the culprit behind a disaster that is causing Digimon around the world to devolve into digi-eggs. Gameplay in Dawn and Dusk is highlighted by a turn-based battle system in which players strategically position the game's 400 Digimon for maximum combat efficiency.

Bandai Namco Games, Namco Bandai Games
Bandai Namco Games
Role-Playing > General
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

100% Scan Data for DotAgumon

Enter 19970628 as a password.


If your Digimon cannot get to a certain level, also called "aptitude", then Degenerate your Digimon. For example; if you have a Renamon its main aptitude would be 24. However if you degenerated it to a Gummymon, its aptitude would be raised to 25. That is also the key to getting a Kyubimon. Most Digimon need their aptitude raised so they can digivolve.

Armor Digivolvutions

Friendship DE + Armadillomon to Kenkimon
  • Condition: Armadillomon at level 24+ with 2300+ Machine EXP
Light DE + Armadillomon to Seahomon
  • Condition: Armadillomon at level 27+ with 2700+ Dragon EXP
Sincerity DE + Hawkmon to Shurimon
  • Condition: Hawkmon at level 22+ with 800+ Insect/Plant EXP
Courage DE + Hawkmon to Allomon
  • Condition: Hawkmon at level 21+ with 110+ Attack Stat
Kindness DE + Hawkmon to Toucanmon
  • Condition: Hawkmon at level 20+ with 105+ Defense Stat
Love DE + Patamon to Pipismon
  • Condition: Patamon at level 21+ with 100+ Speed Stat
Sincerity DE + Patamon to Punchomon
  • Condition: Patamon at level 23+ with 2000+ Dark EXP
Kindness DE + Patamon to Prairiemon
  • Condition: Patamon at level 27+ with 135+ Attack Stat
Courage DE + Tailmon/Gatomon to Lynxmon
  • Condition: Tailmon at level 29+ with 130+ Speed Stat
Sincerity DE + Tailmon/Gatomon to Kabukimon
  • Condition: Tailmon at level 31+ with 2000+ Insect/Plant EXP
Reliability DE + Tailmon/Gatomon to Tylomon
  • Condition: Tail mon at level 27+ with 2200+ Aquan EXP
Courage DE + Veemon to Flamedramon
  • Condition: Veemon at level 22+ with 2500+ Dragon EXP
Miracles DE + Veemon to Magnamon
  • Condition: Veemon at level 40+ with 10000+ Holy EXP
Courage DE + Wormmon to Shadramon
  • Condition: Wormmon at level 30+ with 6000+ Dark EXP
Love DE + Wormmon to Owlmon
  • Condition: Wormmon at level 21+ with 110+ Spirit Stat
Miracles DE + Wormmon to Kongoumon
  • Wormmon at level 32+ with 190+ Attack Stat

Easy experience

Make sure your first three Digimon are higher than level 60. Also make sure that you have three weak ones because your Digimon will grow a lot. In the "Final Battle " mission, once you have reached Darkmoon City and have gotten the Master ID, go through the portal. You will battle against Chief Julia and CGallantmonC. Defeat her to get receive 9,600 experience points, save the game after the intermission sequence. The Chaos Brain is very confusing and has some powerful Digimon. Make sure to have revivers. Go through Chaos Brain and you will see someone familiar -- Grimmon with Chrono Core. Soon Grimmon will digivolve into ChaosGrimmon. He will be at level 88. Your first three Digimon should all be Megas. Defeat him and another intermission sequence will start. ChaosGrimmon will digivolve into ExoGrimmon. He will be at level 99. No not defeat ExoGrimmon if you want your Digimon to keep growing. If you decide to do this, your Digimon will lose friendship but will gain 15,000 experience points each time you do this. When you lose to ExoGrimmon you will be at your house. From there, just repeat the trick and your Digimon should get strong.
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A Farmer's Island is required for this trick. You can get the coupon for a free Farmer's Island after you win the tournament. Deposit the Digimon you want to train after you buy the Terrain Chart, which changes it to be able to give your Digimon more experience. The following are items that raise certain Digimon stats and what they are most useful for:

Fire Road: Dragon types
Ball: Beast types
Mini Shower: Aqua types
Flowers: InsectGrass types
Computer: Machine types
Birdhouse: Bird types
Phonograph: Holy types (like Coronamon)
Odd Pot: Dark types (like Lunamon)

You will also need a Tiny Field so that your Digimon does not become hungry. You can get these where you obtained your Farmer's Island, only select Wormmon instead of Kumamon. Put your Digimon(s) in the Farmer's Island and train it. When it is done training, let it rest. When you talk to it again it should have leveled up. Repeat this until it reaches the desired level. Note: This trick can level up your Digimon back to ultimate after the virus sneaks into your city.
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Ghoulmon and Ghoulmon Black

In the Chaos Brain, in the room before the Grimmon room, there are Ghoulmon but also Ghoulmon Black. This is not very noticeable unless you pay close attention.


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