Dragon Booster
Based on the popular animated series airing on ABC Family and Toon Disney, Dragon Booster is a fast paced 3rd person racing/action game set in a fantastical world where humans and dragons co-exist. When their peaceful way of life is disrupted, Beau, a legendary dragon, chooses Artha Penn, an ordinary 16-year old, to become a mythical hero known as the Dragon Booster. In this classic tale of good versus evil, Artha must use his new-found abilities to defeat his foes and unite humans and dragons once and for all.
Based on the popular animated series airing on ABC Family and Toon Disney, Dragon Booster is a fast paced 3rd person racing/action game set in a fantastical world where humans and dragons co-exist. When their peaceful way of life is disrupted, Beau, a legendary dragon, chooses Artha Penn, an ordinary 16-year old, to become a mythical hero known as the Dragon Booster. In this classic tale of good versus evil, Artha must use his new-found abilities to defeat his foes and unite humans and dragons once and for all.