WWF Attitude

WWF Attitude

WWF Attitude

Now featuring over 40 of your favorite WWF Superstars including Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker and D-Generation X! Customize your own wrestler's move sets and costumes. Over 20 game modes including all-new specialty matches. Wrestle your way to the title in all-new Career mode. Real-life WWF entrances and theme songs.


WWF Attitude

Now featuring over 40 of your favorite WWF Superstars including Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker and D-Generation X! Customize your own wrestler's move sets and costumes. Over 20 game modes including all-new specialty matches. Wrestle your way to the title in all-new Career mode. Real-life WWF entrances and theme songs.

Sports > Individual > Combat > Wrestling
1-4 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Bonus details

Squeaky Mode
Wrestler voices sound squeaky and fast.

Extra Attributes
Gives three extra attributes points toward your created character.

Big Heads
Gives the wrestlers big heads.

Ego Mode
When the crowd is chanting the wrestler's name, their head will inflate.

New Custom Stuff
More clothes and selections in creation mode.

Beep Mode
Unlock "Bleeped Out" option on the language menu under utilities. Enable that option to bleep out all foul language.

Call for help

Wait until your wrestler's energy is in the red while your opponent is still green. Press R+ A. to call for help. Alternately, press L + R.

Career Mode Bonuses

To get the secrets, you must either win the belt, or win your PPV match.

European Belt:
-Marc Mero
-Squeaky Mode
-New Create A Wrestler Stuff

Intercontinental Belt:
-Big Head Mode
-3 more attribute points in the Create A Wrestler

WWF Belt:
-Beep Mode
-Ego Mode

King of the Ring PPV:
-Taka Michinoku

SummerSlam PPV:
-Sargeant Slaughter
-Shawn Michaels

Royal Rumble PPV:
-Jerry Lawler
-Paul Bearer

Career mode bonuses

Select a wrestler and win the WWF title in career mode to unlock all hidden wrestlers, and unlock other bonuses, such as Ego Mode, Squeaky Mode, Big Heads, Bleep Mode, additional costumes and others. A new feature will be awarded for each PPV victory or title.

European title
Trainer selectable, New Creations Options, Squeaky Mode

Intercontinental title
Extra Attribute Points, Big Head Mode

Heavyweight title
Beep Mode, Ego Mode, Head selectable

In Your House PPV
Sable and Marc Mero selectable

King of the Ring PPV
Kurrgan and Taka Michinoku selectable

Royal Rumble PPV
Jerry Lawler and Paul Bearer selectable

Summer Slam PPV
Sgt. Slaughter and Shawn Michaels selectable

Survivor Series PPV
Jaqueline and Chyna selectable

This is a code for WWF Attitude on Sega Dreamcast.

Double-team moves

Begin a tag team, tornado or two-on-one match. To perform the following moves each player should press Tieup simultaneously, except for the last move, in which only the player onthe turnbuckle needs to press Tieup.

Double Suplex
Status: Both in front of the opponent

Double Powerbomb
Status: One player in front of opponent, one behind

Double Wishbone Legsplitter
Status: Both players at opponent's feet

Doomsday Device
Status: Opponent on one player's shoulder, other player on top turnbuckle


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