Enter the Ranking screen and choose any section there before returning to the main menu to see a new background - repeat the procdedure for more backgrounds.
Hold block and repeatedly press the D-pad in all directions. Your wrestler will dodge everytime your opponent punches or grapples, and an opening will eventually appear.
Knock out the ref by hitting him with a weapon twice. If done correctly a message stating ''The Referee Is Knocked Out'' will appear. ''Double Team'' will now light up in different colors. YOu can now preform double team moves as many times as you want.
If you have a weapon hit him twice and then you get a message that will say ''The Referee is Knocked Out!'' Now you have 10-15 seconds to bash your opponent with weapons and other illegal moves.
Rotate the D-pad when your wrestler is holding onto the ropes to stay in the Royal Rumble longer.