Vigilante 8: Second Offense

Vigilante 8: Second Offense

Vigilante 8: Second Offense

Vigilante 8: Second Offense

Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Vigilante 8: Second Offense (Dreamcast). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

All Levels

At the main menu go to options, press A on the characters screen. Then press L and R together. Then enter "old_levels". You will get the levels from the first V8 !

Attract enemies

Enter "UNDER_FIRE" as a password to have three enemies attack simultaneously.

Big Ant in Arizona Stage

Destroy the observatory in Arizona and wait until you will hear a big boom. Go check the big crater in the middle of the stage and you will see a big asteroid. Destroy the asteroid and a giant ant will come out and shoot anyone in the stage.

Change view

To change the view of your vehicle hold down B and press Y.

Donuts of Doom

In the Arizona level, if you destroy the donut shop without destroying the "Super Donut" on top, then you will knock the donut off were it will roll around the level destroying enemies. You can have 2 of them. After all,there are 2 donut shops.


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