Virtua Athlete 2k

Virtua Athlete 2k

Virtua Athlete 2k

The top 7 events from Track and Field come to life like never before as players vie for the top sports honor - "The World's Greatest Athlete!" Using the latest 3D graphics, Virtua Athlete 2000 challenges you to use quick reflexes, sharp eye-hand coordination, and split-second timing to master each of the events.


Virtua Athlete 2k

The top 7 events from Track and Field come to life like never before as players vie for the top sports honor - "The World's Greatest Athlete!" Using the latest 3D graphics, Virtua Athlete 2000 challenges you to use quick reflexes, sharp eye-hand coordination, and split-second timing to master each of the events.

Hitmaker, Agetec
Sports > Individual > Athletics
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

1500 Meter Dash

When the race starts, run full speed until you are about one fourth of the way into the first turn. Release Run, then press Run again when the stamina indicator is yellow. Then release Run and repeat. When you are nearing the straight-a-way release Run and allow the stamina indicator build up to full status. Then, run full speed until one fourth into the next turn and repeat this process. Note: Use only one button during the entire race(A), and your stamina bar will decrease a lot slower.

High Jump

Use the following trick to clear a height of 2.50 or more. Approach the bar at full speed or close to it, set your angle at around 53 to 60, and press Down immediately.


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