Record of Lodoss War

Record of Lodoss War

Record of Lodoss War

Experience the world of Record of Lodoss War up close and personal in an epic 3D Action/RPG only for Sega Dreamcast. Take control of a mysterious warrior from the past, resurrected to save the future, on a colossal quest filled with pulse-pounding action and high adventure. Join forces with popular characters from the Lodoss universe and combat hundreds of vicious enemies with dozens of spectacular spells.


Record of Lodoss War

Experience the world of Record of Lodoss War up close and personal in an epic 3D Action/RPG only for Sega Dreamcast. Take control of a mysterious warrior from the past, resurrected to save the future, on a colossal quest filled with pulse-pounding action and high adventure. Join forces with popular characters from the Lodoss universe and combat hundreds of vicious enemies with dozens of spectacular spells.

Neverland, Conspiracy Entertainment
Role-Playing > Action RPG
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Record of Lodoss War (Dreamcast). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Extra storage

Use the chest in the Blacksmith's shop to store extra inventory items.

Glitch: Duplicate Magic Crystals

You first need to speak to the guy who gives you the crystal (outside the Goblin Fortress). He looks like he is digging on the outside of a mountain. Be sure the crystal is on the ground first.

Don't pick up the crystal, and instead talk to the goblin who rallies the troops. Tell the goblins to search for treasure. Most of the time, one of them will grab the magic crystal for you. As long as the digging team fetches the crystal for you, it will remain available (if a bit chancy) for you to gain.

Hint: Easy level up

Use the following trick to quickly way to level up at the beginning of the game. Note: This does not always work due to being killed in the process. Once you leave the caves you start at and enter the cemetery, kill and collect everything. You should be at level 3 now with the Claymore Sword. Go to the Goblin's house in the cemetery and save the game outside. Go inside and start attacking the Goblin caretaker. Stand close so he is pinned by you and a desk or another object. You should be doing about 30 to 40 damage and it will some time. When he diesn he drops a decoding scroll. You should have the one from the crate and the one from him. When you go into the tomb and find the magic-bound door, you can now go through. After killing the Goblin caretaker you should be level 9. You can go through the magic-bound door down in the tomb and find your way to the lair of the zombies. You should be strong enough now with all the equipment you have collected to kill the zombies. Killing the red one first will destroy the others, but you may not get any experience for them. You will gain 5,000 mythril and also a necklace with wards against all the elements at four a piece, and it adds nicely to your stats.

When you get Lighting Strike for your weapon, go to the desert. Run past everything. Most likely, you are still to weak too kill them. Go to the sand work cave, at the far bottom of the desert. Go in and lure only opponent (and not the big enemy in the far left-hand side of the cave) to the door. Stand on the cement part in front of the door. It will only follow you just outside of the screen. From here, you can attack it with the Lighting Strike or another long range weapon (for example, Fireball). After killing a few, you can gain at least 33 levels.

Hint: Easy money, items, armor, and weapons

In the Goblin Fort is a Goblin that will ask if you want to gather the troops. Answer "Yes" and tell them to search for treasure. They will return with random items such as mithril and other things.

Hint: Extra storage

Use the chest in the Blacksmith's shop to store extra inventory items.


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