Quake 3: Arena
Game Pictures
Game Pictures and Screenshots
We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Quake 3: Arena (Dreamcast). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.
Alternate Capture The Flag commentary
Go to multi-player mode, select player one for your controller, and make the rest of the players CPU-controlled. Select "Capture the Flag" as your game. Set up your player's name so that the word "ass" appears along with any other word. For example, dumb ass, big ass, etc. In Capture The Flag, the CPU leader when giving you commands will call you by another form of the word. For example, dumb heinie, dumb bum, dumb bottom, etc. This will not affect the outcome of the game.
Cheat mode
Complete single player missions under various difficulties to unlock cheats in multi-player mode. Press
Start to pause game play in multi-player mode, then select the cheat option from the menu.
Successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting to unlock a maze mini-game on the VMU. Successfully complete the maze-mini game. The message "Cheat unlocked" will appear on the main game screen to confirm correct completion. Complete the mini-game under each of the five difficulty settings to unlock all cheats, which includes the ability to survive all falls, and more.
Glitch: Invisible ledge
Go to the Arena of Death in multi-player mode. Go to the back of the level where you can get the rockets. Have high speed on with low gravity (as low as possible). Jump up as high as possible. Make sure the jump is straight at the window of fire. You should be able stand on an invisible ledge. Do not move your character or you will fall off.
Hint: Easy game on all single player difficulty settings
Start a multi-player free for all game and use only one character. Leave the other characters off, but set all their difficulty settings to "Easy". At the map select screen, select "More" and change the gravity, speed, etc. to the desired settings. Begin the game and quit. Then, start or load your single player game and play. The settings you used in multi-player will work in the single player game, making it much easier to win.
Hint: General strategy
Always strafe in a circle around whoever you are shooting. Never stop moving. Always try to get rocket launcher first, then jump and zig-zag run to avoid getting shot. Always use the plasma gun when you have quad damage since it shoots fastest and can hold a lot of ammunition. Run backwards away from people and shoot them at same time.