Pop 'n Music
Cheat Codes/Hints
Change Character's Colours
You can change the color of your character's clothes by pressing the X button.
Hidden J-R&B Song
Press B, Y, Y, Down, R, Y, Up, Left, Left + Start at the title screen.
Hyper song versions
Play all the songs once. Then, hold Select while choosing a song at the stage selection screen. Note: This will cannot be done in beginner mode.
Other hidden songs
Accumulate the indicated amount of game play to unlock the corresponding song type.
Cute: 2 hours
New Fork: 2.5 hours
Sexy Girls: 3 hours
J. Garage Pop: 5 hours
Lounge: 4.5 hours
J-R&B: 4 hours
Akiba: 6 hours
Live: 6.5 hours
Avangrade: 7 hours
Rally mode, survival mode and 5 or 7 buttons option
Accumulate over five hours of game play.
Secret Character
On normal difficulty, first use the Dino and win. Then use the latin song and win. Once you've done this, the new Composer character will appear in the list of 3rd level people.