Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden: Colony no Ochichita Chide...
ULTRA-REALISTIC 3D SHOOTING AS VIEWED FROM YOUR COCKPIT!THE SNIPER SCOPE: A GUNDAM FIRST!In addition to bringing distant enemies into firing range with its powerful zoom the sniper scope lets you scout out the enemy in support of allied units engaged in combat, improving your strategic reach and tactical effectiveness.Issue orders to reconnoitre attack or defend and allied units spring into combat at your command, all in real time! Order your men to back you up in combat or have friendly tanks provide support. As squad leader your decisions rule.-Mobile suits drawn in real time!-Richly...
ULTRA-REALISTIC 3D SHOOTING AS VIEWED FROM YOUR COCKPIT!THE SNIPER SCOPE: A GUNDAM FIRST!In addition to bringing distant enemies into firing range with its powerful zoom the sniper scope lets you scout out the enemy in support of allied units engaged in combat, improving your strategic reach and tactical effectiveness.Issue orders to reconnoitre attack or defend and allied units spring into combat at your command, all in real time! Order your men to back you up in combat or have friendly tanks provide support. As squad leader your decisions rule.-Mobile suits drawn in real time!-Richly textured undulated battlefields!-Gunpowder you can smell from the cockpit!-A Zaku's evil eye stares at you from a battlefield rendered in the hyper-real quality only Sega Dreamcast can provide!-COMBINATION BATTLE WITH ALLIED UNITS!-PRECISION SHOOTING USING YOUR SNIPER SCOPE!-LIFE AND DEATH COMBAT WITH A ZAKU THAT APPEARS RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES!YOU COMMAND THE FEDERATION ARMY INDEPENDANT COMMAND TEAM WHITE DINGO...ISSUE ORDERS TO ALLIED UNITS AND CARRY OUT YOUR MISSION!