Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis

Dino Crisis

Raw instinct takes over in this adrenaline-pumping journey into Survival Horror. Something is terribly wrong. Your covert mission to inflitrate an isolated, research compound, has gon haywire... now you find yourself pursued by a relentless, pre-historic terror. Suddenly, your mission becomes a desperate fight for survival.


Dino Crisis

Raw instinct takes over in this adrenaline-pumping journey into Survival Horror. Something is terribly wrong. Your covert mission to inflitrate an isolated, research compound, has gon haywire... now you find yourself pursued by a relentless, pre-historic terror. Suddenly, your mission becomes a desperate fight for survival.

Action Adventure > Survival
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

B1 Library computer code

3695-Access code for computer in the library Room on floor B1

Bonus Outfits

If you beat the game in under 8 hours then you will get new costumes to wear as you play again.

Chief's Vault Combo

Type in 705037 at the vault. It will open and reveal the card to Dr. Kirk's secret lab in the control room

Fourth Outfit

When you finish the game for first time, Regina will get two new costumes (Battle type, and Army type). If you play through the game twice, you will get a 4th outfit for Regina to wear. It will change her into a cave girl. Almost as though SHE came from the portal. An extra bonus for getting this is that if CHECK her guns at your EQUIP menu, they will have turned to an ancient type weapons. They will still function like normal, though.

Gas Experiment Room keycode

7248-Access code to unlock Gas Experiment room


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