


In the 21st Century terrorism reigns supreme. You are part of an elite unit chosen to isolate and destroy ARK before it reaches land. You never know what's lurking in the murky water or around the next corner. Meanwhile, ARK is gaining power after attacking itself to the nuclear core of the Heimdal. Sheer wit and brute force are all that can save you.To control Earth, the Southern Cross bombs the Heimdal, setting free ARK -- a prehistoric organism. ARK implants itself in humans making them hideous, monstrous drones that carry ARK seeds and infect others determined to eliminate ALL of...



In the 21st Century terrorism reigns supreme. You are part of an elite unit chosen to isolate and destroy ARK before it reaches land. You never know what's lurking in the murky water or around the next corner. Meanwhile, ARK is gaining power after attacking itself to the nuclear core of the Heimdal. Sheer wit and brute force are all that can save you.To control Earth, the Southern Cross bombs the Heimdal, setting free ARK -- a prehistoric organism. ARK implants itself in humans making them hideous, monstrous drones that carry ARK seeds and infect others determined to eliminate ALL of...

Jaleco Entertainment
Jaleco Entertainment
Action Adventure > Survival
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

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Cheat Codes/Hints

Costumes for Jack and Jessifer

On your first playthrough, beat both scenarios in the game and be sure to save when prompted to after every cast roll. Load the saved game and on your second playthrough, you will notice Jack is wearing his secret costume in his scenario as does Jessifer in her scenario.

Note: Once you unlock these costumes, you cannot hange the costumes back to their default types on the same save game.

Pop Heads

Unlike Resident Evil, Carrier's fine aim allows you to see where you aim at on a zomebie. Attack the head as much as possible to increase the chance a shot will "pop" the zombie's head, saving you valuable ammunition.

Unlimited T-7 Bombs

In most of the magazines there are boxes with t-7 bombs in them go up to the box and get the bomb. Open it again and you will get another bomb. They are unlimited but you can only carry 20 t-7 bombs. This trick will work in almost every box that holds the t-7 bombs.


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