


The most skillful house breaker of all time turns his attentions to the town of Umstrid, having successfully cleaned out its computer age predecessors. Can Roger the Dodger loot his way through an endless number of banks, shops, houses... a burglar's dream. The giant in his eye is not just sheer cheek, it's from the golden keys that he has to collect - but don't be too dazzled by the thought of amassed riches - round every corner in every passage danger lies in wait.



The most skillful house breaker of all time turns his attentions to the town of Umstrid, having successfully cleaned out its computer age predecessors. Can Roger the Dodger loot his way through an endless number of banks, shops, houses... a burglar's dream. The giant in his eye is not just sheer cheek, it's from the golden keys that he has to collect - but don't be too dazzled by the thought of amassed riches - round every corner in every passage danger lies in wait.

Alligata Software
Alligata Software
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Blagger (Amstrad CPC). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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