Videocart 6: Math Quiz

Videocart 6: Math Quiz

Videocart 6: Math Quiz

Get one problem right and a new one appears. Take turns with a buddy for added competition. Plus or minus some fast-paced fun! Math Quiz - Addition: Count on your television instead of your fingers. Right answer scores. You get two chances before the screen shows you how. Arithmetic was never like this! Math Quiz - Subtraction: Your number's up! Brush up on the basics, teach the kids to balance their allowance, or just have fun. It won't take away from the thrill of the game!


Videocart 6: Math Quiz

Get one problem right and a new one appears. Take turns with a buddy for added competition. Plus or minus some fast-paced fun! Math Quiz - Addition: Count on your television instead of your fingers. Right answer scores. You get two chances before the screen shows you how. Arithmetic was never like this! Math Quiz - Subtraction: Your number's up! Brush up on the basics, teach the kids to balance their allowance, or just have fun. It won't take away from the thrill of the game!

Miscellaneous > Trivia / Game Show
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