Videocart 2: Desert Fox / Shooting Gallery

Videocart 2: Desert Fox / Shooting Gallery

Videocart 2: Desert Fox / Shooting Gallery

Let out your hunter instincts with these two exciting games. DESERT FOX: You sneak up on the enemy, but ram a mine instead. Your tank is immobilized. The enemy fires. Hits. And outfoxes you, the Fox. SHOOTING GALLERY: Electronic rifle versus dead ducks. Rifle repositions after every shot.


Videocart 2: Desert Fox / Shooting Gallery

Let out your hunter instincts with these two exciting games. DESERT FOX: You sneak up on the enemy, but ram a mine instead. Your tank is immobilized. The enemy fires. Hits. And outfoxes you, the Fox. SHOOTING GALLERY: Electronic rifle versus dead ducks. Rifle repositions after every shot.

Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Vertical
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

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