Lost Eden

Lost Eden

Lost Eden

On another Earth, in another time, where dinosaurs speak and the air is charged with magic, the old ways have broken down. Where once was harmony, now are slavery and war. You must learn what's forgotten and unite the creatures of our continents against a tyrannical tyrannosaur and his carnivorous army. One chance stands between Eden and extinction: You must learn the secrets of the citadels.


Lost Eden

On another Earth, in another time, where dinosaurs speak and the air is charged with magic, the old ways have broken down. Where once was harmony, now are slavery and war. You must learn what's forgotten and unite the creatures of our continents against a tyrannical tyrannosaur and his carnivorous army. One chance stands between Eden and extinction: You must learn the secrets of the citadels.

Cryo Interactive, Philips Media
Cryo Interactive
Adventure > General
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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