Knight Orc

Knight Orc

Knight Orc

Set in three parts, Knight Orc casts you as an oppressed orc in a magical world where all is not as it first seems. For generations, humans have been persecuting orcs, and now it's time to get your own back. Knight Orc is a challenging game which is truly interactive. Each character leads its own life in the game, and their actions can affect you and the outcome of the adventure. Communication with other characters, learning spells and solving puzzles are all a vital part of the game if you are to escape the mystical world and take revenge on humankind.


Knight Orc

Set in three parts, Knight Orc casts you as an oppressed orc in a magical world where all is not as it first seems. For generations, humans have been persecuting orcs, and now it's time to get your own back. Knight Orc is a challenging game which is truly interactive. Each character leads its own life in the game, and their actions can affect you and the outcome of the adventure. Communication with other characters, learning spells and solving puzzles are all a vital part of the game if you are to escape the mystical world and take revenge on humankind.

Level 9 Computing, Rainbird
Level 9 Computing
Adventure > General
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Knight Orc (Atari 8-bit). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Knight Orc (Atari 8-bit). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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