Star Wars: The Arcade Game

Star Wars: The Arcade Game

Star Wars: The Arcade Game

You're at the controls of LUKE's X-WING FIGHTER, heading straight for the DEATH STAR. Your mission: to destroy it before the EMPIRE seeks its revenge on the REBEL base. Lock your sights on attacking TIE FIGHTERS and blast them with your proton torpedoes. Race along the DEATH STAR's surface, firing on giant towers. Finally, dive full throttle into the DEATH STAR's equatorial trench. You'll need split-second timing to avoid all the obstacles as you streak through the trench in search of the main reactor. Hit it and you've blown the DEATH STAR out of existence! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.


Star Wars: The Arcade Game

You're at the controls of LUKE's X-WING FIGHTER, heading straight for the DEATH STAR. Your mission: to destroy it before the EMPIRE seeks its revenge on the REBEL base. Lock your sights on attacking TIE FIGHTERS and blast them with your proton torpedoes. Race along the DEATH STAR's surface, firing on giant towers. Finally, dive full throttle into the DEATH STAR's equatorial trench. You'll need split-second timing to avoid all the obstacles as you streak through the trench in search of the main reactor. Hit it and you've blown the DEATH STAR out of existence! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.

Parker Bros
Action > General
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Star Wars: The Arcade Game (Atari 5200). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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