RealSports Baseball

RealSports Baseball

RealSports Baseball

Baseball fans, hang onto your caps! ATARI RealSports BASEBALL is here with all the strategy, executing, and excitement of a real ball game. Watch the amazing life-like movements of your players and listen to the umpire's voice calling out the count. The graphics and game play are so realistic, they'll put you right in the stadium. So get ready for the pitch. Batter up!


RealSports Baseball

Baseball fans, hang onto your caps! ATARI RealSports BASEBALL is here with all the strategy, executing, and excitement of a real ball game. Watch the amazing life-like movements of your players and listen to the umpire's voice calling out the count. The graphics and game play are so realistic, they'll put you right in the stadium. So get ready for the pitch. Batter up!

Sports > Team > Baseball > Sim
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Programmer credit

Press 5 during demo mode and the message "When Running Into the Tropical Entropy Nightly, By Yourself, Project And Try Reaching Into Circles Killed Because All Seems Strange" will appear. The first letter of each word in the message spells "Written by Patrick Bass."
fwglotah ulaoi reisf mwectuyo

Telephone sounds

During demo mode, press the Keypad to hear telephone touch tones.


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