


Wizkid is an Action game, developed by Sensible Software and published by Ocean, which was released in Europe in 1992.



Wizkid is an Action game, developed by Sensible Software and published by Ocean, which was released in Europe in 1992.

Sensible Software, Ocean
Sensible Software
Action > General
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Wizkid (Atari ST). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Hidden Warp Zone

At the beginning of the game, purchase the token from the shop, and choose to exit as the body. Jump on the crank of the well until the bucket reaches the top, then jump into the bucket. At the bottom of the well, go into the men's room and use the token on the bubble gum machine. In this secret room, enter the men's bathroom door, then walk to the right and enter an invisible door. To reach the different areas from here, enter the rooms in the listed sequence.Note: if you mistakenly enter the wrong room here, head through the invisible door on the right and restart the sequence.

Mens, Mens, Mens, Mens, Ladies, Ladies
Continue option
Ladies, Mens, Mens, Mens, Ladies
Level 2
Mens, Ladies, Ladies, Mens, Mens
Level 3
Mens, Mens, Ladies, Mens, Ladies
Level 4
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, Mens, Mens
Level 5
Ladies, Ladies, Mens, Mens, Mens, Ladies
Level 6
Ladies, Mens, Mens, Ladies, Mens, Mens
Level 7
Mens, Ladies, Mens, Ladies, Mens, Ladies
Level 8
Mens, Mens, Mens, Ladies, Mens, Mens
Level 9
Mens, Ladies, Ladies, Ladies, Mens, Mens
Mini-game clue
Ladies, Ladies, Mens, Mens, Ladies, Ladies
Sound test
Mens, Ladies, Ladies, Mens, Mens, Ladies
Warp zone equation
Mens, Ladies, Ladies, Mens, Mens, Mens, Ladies
Wizardoids mini-game


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