World Cricket

World Cricket

World Cricket

World Cricket is a highly graphical simulation of International cricket management, combining excellent full color graphics with a challenging and realistic game design.Featuring: Detailed animated match highlights, icon driven selection screens, Home and Tourist Tours, variable tour lengths, injuries, statistical player data, load and save options, Batting averages, Bowling averages, Tour Reports, One Day Matches, Tour Matches, Test Matches, Batsman selections, Fielding selections, complex but realistic game design, and lots, lots more!!!


World Cricket

World Cricket is a highly graphical simulation of International cricket management, combining excellent full color graphics with a challenging and realistic game design.Featuring: Detailed animated match highlights, icon driven selection screens, Home and Tourist Tours, variable tour lengths, injuries, statistical player data, load and save options, Batting averages, Bowling averages, Tour Reports, One Day Matches, Tour Matches, Test Matches, Batsman selections, Fielding selections, complex but realistic game design, and lots, lots more!!!

Zeppelin Games
Zeppelin Games
Sports > Team > Cricket
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for World Cricket (Atari ST). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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