Beyond Zork

Beyond Zork

Beyond Zork

Dread times have befallen the kingdom of Quendor. The wizards have mysteriously disappeared. The Enchanter's Guild Hall lies in ruins. Villages are abandoned, drunken men mutter strange tales, and vicious monsters haunt the streets and wastelands. Now it falls on you, a lowly peasant, to unravel the meaning behind these ominous events. Will you accept the challenge? Of course you will! For you're a hardy adventurer, ready to confront the most fearsome foe. And in Beyond Zork, you have an arsenal of new weapons and abilities at your disposal. You start by designing your own character. Choose...


Beyond Zork

Dread times have befallen the kingdom of Quendor. The wizards have mysteriously disappeared. The Enchanter's Guild Hall lies in ruins. Villages are abandoned, drunken men mutter strange tales, and vicious monsters haunt the streets and wastelands. Now it falls on you, a lowly peasant, to unravel the meaning behind these ominous events. Will you accept the challenge? Of course you will! For you're a hardy adventurer, ready to confront the most fearsome foe. And in Beyond Zork, you have an arsenal of new weapons and abilities at your disposal. You start by designing your own character. Choose...

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