Rolling Thunder 2

Rolling Thunder 2

Rolling Thunder 2

As super agent Leila or Albatross, only you command the street smarts and weapons expertise to thwart Geldra's plan for world domination! In ROLLING THUNDER 2, you'll infiltrate an evil empire that spans the globe from Miami's palm trees to Giza's towering pyramids. Jackhammering machine gun fire forces you to dive for cover through exploding grenades and spent shell casings. Wiping off powder burns, choking on smoky air; it's now or never. Take aim, and empty your magazine, spinning to drop that last terrorist creep behind you. Fingers numb from recoil, you slam your last clip into your...


Rolling Thunder 2

As super agent Leila or Albatross, only you command the street smarts and weapons expertise to thwart Geldra's plan for world domination! In ROLLING THUNDER 2, you'll infiltrate an evil empire that spans the globe from Miami's palm trees to Giza's towering pyramids. Jackhammering machine gun fire forces you to dive for cover through exploding grenades and spent shell casings. Wiping off powder burns, choking on smoky air; it's now or never. Take aim, and empty your magazine, spinning to drop that last terrorist creep behind you. Fingers numb from recoil, you slam your last clip into your...

Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Vertical
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Release Date (JP)

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