Press Top Left, Top Right, Top Left,Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Top Left, Bottom Left,Top Left, Bottom Left, Top Right, Bottom Right, Top Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Left,Top Right, Bottom Right, Top Left, Bottom Left, Top Right, Bottom Right, Top Leftat the song selection screen in Remix station.
Press Top Left, Bottom Left, Top Right,Bottom Right, Bottom Right, Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Center at the song selectionscreen.
Press Top Left, Top Right, Top Left,Top Right, Center at the song selection screen fortwo times normal speed. Repeat this code to cycle through threetimes, four times, or eight times normal speed.
Raw (as it's known) is the same song (and background movie) as the opening movie of Exceed 2. Auto-fail (Stage Break) is not on during this song, and the game will not stop if you get a 50+ miss combo. This song is not a selectable song (ever), and you cannot choose your modifiers or difficulties before this song, as the game will bleed into it after your last REMIX song and will start automatically after giving you a greeting screen for the song. It is set on DOUBLE (Nightmare?) mode.
Get an "S" rank on all REMIX songs at remixstation.
Clear Diva Remix in Freestyle mode with an "S"rank at remix station.
These codes are modifiers to your song. They can be entered during the 60 seconds before you choose a song, and remain in effect (unless cancelled) until your game is over.
The codes below are written in keypad format. On the machine, it translates to this:
Here are descriptions to the codes:
2x, 3x, 4x, 8x speed - increases the scroll rate of the arrows by the respective rate
Random Velocity - The scroll rate will randomly change during the song
Random Steps - The steps will be in the same places, but completely randomized
Mirror - All arrows switch vertically (besides the middle)
Vanish - Arrows disappear about 2/3 of the way to the top
No Step - Arrows do not appear
Dark - Stationary arrows at the top do not appear
Quake - Arrows wave up and down as they scroll up
Exceed Mode - Arrows move diagonally towards the top
Cancel all codes - Speaks for itself. Cancels all of the other codes
This code only works for REMIX station.
This code does not have to be re-entered, once it's unlocked on the machine, it stays unlocked permanently. Enter this code during the song select in REMIX station.
Codes is denoted as is on a numerical key pad (when facing the screen, 7 is up-left, 3 is down right, 5 is center):
This can only be done with one person playing in the arcade station, and must be re-unlocked each time you play. Since it will be your bonus stage, auto-fail will most likely be on, so be sure to have that turned off (unless you have alot of skill).