Mystic Defender

Mystic Defender

Mystic Defender

Azuchi Castle - huge, terrifying, and out of reach! It's the den of the Devil's Disciple and the Emperor of Evil! It's also where the beautiful Alexandra is held prisoner, facing a deadly ordeal. Can you save her? You are Yamato, incredible warrior and possessor of Magic. Your journey writhes with danger. Monstrous centipedes and grotesque spiders, frogs, and larvae wait to clutch your body and chew on your head. Can you take it? Can you stay alive while battling Flying Goblins, Ghostly Bones, and the Six-Faced Phantom? Can you reach the maniac genius Zareth before he steals Alexandra's soul?...


Mystic Defender

Azuchi Castle - huge, terrifying, and out of reach! It's the den of the Devil's Disciple and the Emperor of Evil! It's also where the beautiful Alexandra is held prisoner, facing a deadly ordeal. Can you save her? You are Yamato, incredible warrior and possessor of Magic. Your journey writhes with danger. Monstrous centipedes and grotesque spiders, frogs, and larvae wait to clutch your body and chew on your head. Can you take it? Can you stay alive while battling Flying Goblins, Ghostly Bones, and the Six-Faced Phantom? Can you reach the maniac genius Zareth before he steals Alexandra's soul?...

Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Mystic Defender (Arcade). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Mystic Defender (Arcade). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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