My Hero

My Hero

My Hero

A bunch of seedy punks - complete with mohawks - try to steal your girl. It's a new variation on the old "Boy loses Girl" theme. Only it's more like "Boy loses life, if he doesn't get Girl back." Battle knife throwers, ferocious bulldogs, flying bottles, even the gang leader - whose name happens to be Mohikan. If it all seems hopelessly overwhelming, take heart. You're a high-ranking kung fu master. So you do have incredible martial arts skills in your favor. But then again, you don't have your girl. The punks do.


My Hero

A bunch of seedy punks - complete with mohawks - try to steal your girl. It's a new variation on the old "Boy loses Girl" theme. Only it's more like "Boy loses life, if he doesn't get Girl back." Battle knife throwers, ferocious bulldogs, flying bottles, even the gang leader - whose name happens to be Mohikan. If it all seems hopelessly overwhelming, take heart. You're a high-ranking kung fu master. So you do have incredible martial arts skills in your favor. But then again, you don't have your girl. The punks do.

Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)

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