Dig Dug II

Dig Dug II

Dig Dug II

DIG DUG has decided to chill out from the pressures of the real world by taking a long overdue vacation on a beautiful Caribbean island. "At last," he thinks to himself, "sun, sand, surf, and no more hassles from those miserable pests Pooka and Fygar!" Lying in a hammock between the graceful palm trees, he drifts off into a blissful dream of beautiful bikini clad native girls catering to his every wish. But just when he thinks he's got it made in the shade, along come his troublesome enemies to turn his peaceful paradise into a tropical nightmare. Help DIG DUG rid the island of these...


Dig Dug II

DIG DUG has decided to chill out from the pressures of the real world by taking a long overdue vacation on a beautiful Caribbean island. "At last," he thinks to himself, "sun, sand, surf, and no more hassles from those miserable pests Pooka and Fygar!" Lying in a hammock between the graceful palm trees, he drifts off into a blissful dream of beautiful bikini clad native girls catering to his every wish. But just when he thinks he's got it made in the shade, along come his troublesome enemies to turn his peaceful paradise into a tropical nightmare. Help DIG DUG rid the island of these...

Action > Arcade
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