Yolanda: The Ultimate Challenge

Yolanda: The Ultimate Challenge

Yolanda: The Ultimate Challenge

Attention game freaks! So you think you rate as a good games player? Well think again! You're nowhere until you try Yolanda - The fastest and most difficult platform game ever! You take the part of Yolanda, offspring of the mighty Hercules himself, cursed by the death goddess Hera to be shunned by all mankind. Your only hope of lifting the curse is to re-enact the 12 tasks of Hercules - and that's going to take all the speed, strength and reflexes it's possible for a mortal to summon.


Yolanda: The Ultimate Challenge

Attention game freaks! So you think you rate as a good games player? Well think again! You're nowhere until you try Yolanda - The fastest and most difficult platform game ever! You take the part of Yolanda, offspring of the mighty Hercules himself, cursed by the death goddess Hera to be shunned by all mankind. Your only hope of lifting the curse is to re-enact the 12 tasks of Hercules - and that's going to take all the speed, strength and reflexes it's possible for a mortal to summon.

Millenium Interactive
Millenium Interactive
Action > General
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Action Replay Codes

Note: An cartridge is required to use the following codes. Change the value of the indicated memory locations to adjust the corresponding game feature.

Memory Location

1. Set first two digits to "FF" for 255 lives.

Cheat Codes

While playing, type "QUIDITY" to enable cheat mode. To use it, press any of the keys below.

SPACE Skip levels
HELP Toggle infinite lives
F4 NTSC video mode
F5 PAL video mode

Note: If the game ends or resets you'll have to re-enter the code.

Cheat mode

Type quidity to enable cheat mode. Then, pressone of the following keys to activate the corresponding cheatfunction. Note: Cheat mode must be activated again if the gameends or is reset by pressing [F1].

Level skip
Toggle unlimited lives
NTSC video mode
PAL video mode

Hidden high score name

Enter SKID ROW as a name at the high score screen.The game will change the entry to "18 AND LIFE".
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