Race Drivin'

Race Drivin'

Race Drivin'

Here it is... the amazing conversion of the smash arcade sensation brings screaming-fast car racing to your home! Pound the pedal and grind those gears, down the straights and around wicked hairpin turns. Whip through hairy S-curves, gut-flipping loop-the-loops and crazy corkscrews! With three cars to choose from, multiple music tracks and cool sound effects, Race Drivin' brings arcade-style auto speed competition right to you!


Race Drivin'

Here it is... the amazing conversion of the smash arcade sensation brings screaming-fast car racing to your home! Pound the pedal and grind those gears, down the straights and around wicked hairpin turns. Whip through hairy S-curves, gut-flipping loop-the-loops and crazy corkscrews! With three cars to choose from, multiple music tracks and cool sound effects, Race Drivin' brings arcade-style auto speed competition right to you!

Walking Circles
Racing > Arcade > Automobile
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Race Drivin' (Amiga). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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