Mad TV

Mad TV

Mad TV

Can you imagine running a Television Station all on your own - buying films, preparing the hottest news, producing new shows, soaps, documentaries? In other words, having the chance to put together your favourite TV channel. Then can you imagine a chance for success beyond your wildest dreams and a chance to win the heart of the most beautiful woman in town?


Mad TV

Can you imagine running a Television Station all on your own - buying films, preparing the hottest news, producing new shows, soaps, documentaries? In other words, having the chance to put together your favourite TV channel. Then can you imagine a chance for success beyond your wildest dreams and a chance to win the heart of the most beautiful woman in town?

Rainbow Arts
Rainbow Arts
Strategy > Management > Business / Tycoon
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Mad TV (Amiga). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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