Black Crypt

Black Crypt

Black Crypt

Decaying flesh hangs like war banners from the torsos of a shambling skeletal army, their eyes gleaming in blackened sockets like embers in the ashes of an evil sacrifice. Estoroth, master of death, has sent these undead battalions on a hideous mission of vengeance. They are to seek out the decendants of those who banished him from Astera long ago and destroy them in an indescribable ways. Now you must assemble a band of adventures to recover the lost relics that sent Estoroth into exile. Only their combined power the waking nightmare once again in THE BLACK CRYPT.


Black Crypt

Decaying flesh hangs like war banners from the torsos of a shambling skeletal army, their eyes gleaming in blackened sockets like embers in the ashes of an evil sacrifice. Estoroth, master of death, has sent these undead battalions on a hideous mission of vengeance. They are to seek out the decendants of those who banished him from Astera long ago and destroy them in an indescribable ways. Now you must assemble a band of adventures to recover the lost relics that sent Estoroth into exile. Only their combined power the waking nightmare once again in THE BLACK CRYPT.

Raven Software, Electronic Arts
Raven Software
Role-Playing > Western-Style
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)

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