Abandoned Places - A Time For Heroes

Abandoned Places - A Time For Heroes

Abandoned Places - A Time For Heroes

Welcome to Abandoned Places - the first of a new series of Role Playing games set in the mythical land of Kalynthia. You must control the lives of the four heroes selected to fight the evil threatening Kalynthia as they emerge from the rock that has been their prison for 900 years. Your quest starts beneath the temple of Heaven's light and your first task will be to escape back to the surface of the land, hopefully arming yourself on the way. Once in the outside world the decision of where to go next is entirely yours. You have a whole world to explore including mountains, deserts, oceans...


Abandoned Places - A Time For Heroes

Welcome to Abandoned Places - the first of a new series of Role Playing games set in the mythical land of Kalynthia. You must control the lives of the four heroes selected to fight the evil threatening Kalynthia as they emerge from the rock that has been their prison for 900 years. Your quest starts beneath the temple of Heaven's light and your first task will be to escape back to the surface of the land, hopefully arming yourself on the way. Once in the outside world the decision of where to go next is entirely yours. You have a whole world to explore including mountains, deserts, oceans...

ArtGame, EPS/Electronic Zoo
Role-Playing > Western-Style
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Abandoned Places - A Time For Heroes (Amiga). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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