Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Embark on a brand new adventure which teams Shantae with her arch nemesis, Risky Boots! When a curse falls upon Sequin Land, Risky Boots and Shantae must join forces to battle unimaginable evil. Shantae must give up her job as Scuttle Towns "Guardian Genie" and become a pirate if she hopes to get her magic back and save the day. As a pirate, Shantae gains new weapons and tools to advance her quest and power through monsters!* Flintlock Pistol (blast enemies and switches from afar)* Pirate Hat (glide on the wind using this enormous headwear)* Risky's Boots (run at super speeds! Chain...


Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

Embark on a brand new adventure which teams Shantae with her arch nemesis, Risky Boots! When a curse falls upon Sequin Land, Risky Boots and Shantae must join forces to battle unimaginable evil. Shantae must give up her job as Scuttle Towns "Guardian Genie" and become a pirate if she hopes to get her magic back and save the day. As a pirate, Shantae gains new weapons and tools to advance her quest and power through monsters!* Flintlock Pistol (blast enemies and switches from afar)* Pirate Hat (glide on the wind using this enormous headwear)* Risky's Boots (run at super speeds! Chain...

WayForward, Rising Star Games
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy Money

Once you have the scimitar, go to Spiderweb Island and use the downthrust on the zombies. Every time you hit the head, you'll get one gem. Since you can keep bouncing on their heads, you'll keep getting money until it dies, and since the zombies constantly respawn, you can keep doing this until you have as much as you need.

Extra Final Boss and Ending

Collecting all 20 of the Dark Magic from the Cursed Cacklebats and then defeating the final boss will alter the cutscene upon defeating it, leading to the battle's second phase and a better ending scenario.

GBC Level

Once you have the boot, on the first dungeon on Saliva Island, in the first room, ram into the little steps. You'll be able to go through a level from the first Shantae game, including GBC graphics (some bits that are used elsewhere in the game will still be in the 3DS style)

Pirate Mode

Complete the game once with any ending to unlock Pirate Mode, then select it when starting a new game. Playing in Pirate Mode gives Shantae all of the Pirate Gear from the beginning, allowing for new shortcuts and faster clear-times.

Short Boots Dash

Normally a long running space is needed to start a Boots Dash, this can be circumvented by using the circle pad and the d-pad in tandem.Start by moving the circle pad in one direction. Then press the d-pad in the opposite direction, letting go and pressing again as necessary.This will allow you to run in short spaces and execute Boots Dashes that were not intended, allowing you to sequence break the game heavily.

Unlockable Wallpapers

Clearing the game and meeting certain conditions will unlock bonus background artwork for the game's main menu.

How to Unlock
100% Clear
Beat the game with all of the Magic, Heart Squids, and upgrade items
100% Speed Run
Beat the game with all heart squids, dark magic, gear upgrades and fighting moves under 2hours and 30 minutes
Game Clear
Beat the game
Speed Run
Clear the game in under 2 hours



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