Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

When the mysterious Espella is pursued through London by a bewildering force, she desperately seeks help from legendary puzzle investigator Professor Layton and his assistant Luke Triton. However, before the duo are able to work out whats going on, Espella is suddenly kidnapped. While attempting to track her down, Layton and Luke encounter a strange book and are transported to the outlandish medieval city of Labyrinthia - a place allegedly inhabited by witches and magic! Meanwhile, defence attorney extraordinaire Phoenix Wright and spirit medium-in-training Maya Fey also find themselves...


Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

When the mysterious Espella is pursued through London by a bewildering force, she desperately seeks help from legendary puzzle investigator Professor Layton and his assistant Luke Triton. However, before the duo are able to work out whats going on, Espella is suddenly kidnapped. While attempting to track her down, Layton and Luke encounter a strange book and are transported to the outlandish medieval city of Labyrinthia - a place allegedly inhabited by witches and magic! Meanwhile, defence attorney extraordinaire Phoenix Wright and spirit medium-in-training Maya Fey also find themselves...

Level 5, Nintendo
Level 5
Puzzle > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

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Cheat Codes/Hints

Special Episodes

Once you have completed the game, press the download Bonus Content from the main menu to receive an extra 12 episodes with an extra puzzle each that didn't make it into the game. A number of these will be similar puzzles you have encountered in the storyline, but slightly different or more difficult variations. You will require an internet connection to download the new content.There is also some 4th wall breaking extra dialogue between the characters.

How to Unlock
Special Episodes
Complete the Game then Download Bonus Content from the main menu


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