Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, The

Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, The

Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, The

Three players take on the role of individual Link characters and team up to work cooperatively to solve puzzles and battle bosses in dungeons. The game features the same top-down view and visual style of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Players must work together, as all hearts are shared by the group as a whole. All three Links can stack on top of one another to create a Totem to reach new locations to solve puzzles or fight enemies. Different outfits offer unique abilities.


Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, The

Three players take on the role of individual Link characters and team up to work cooperatively to solve puzzles and battle bosses in dungeons. The game features the same top-down view and visual style of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. Players must work together, as all hearts are shared by the group as a whole. All three Links can stack on top of one another to create a Totem to reach new locations to solve puzzles or fight enemies. Different outfits offer unique abilities.

Action Adventure > Open-World
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Ball Pop Game

While in the connection room to the Drablands, if you do a Pegasus dash (L1/R1) and the walls or pillars, a ball will fall from the ceiling. If you slash it, it will pop up in the air and you can keep hitting it to keep it in the air. Depending on how long you keep it up, you will get some bonus rupees.

Cacto Costume

Complete Bonus Challenges: Woodland and Riverside.

Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Costumes

Some of the costumes are unlocked by completing bonus challenges.

How to Unlock
Cacto Costume
Complete Bonus Challenges: Woodland and Riverside
Cheetah Costume
Complete Bonus Challenges: Volcano, Ice, Fortress
Dapper Spinner
Get Five Freebies from the Daily Riches Shop (To get a freebie, you must fail from getting the actual prize)
Fierce Deity Armor
Complete all 40 levels in the Den of Trails.
Sword Master Suit
Complete Bonus Challenges: Dunes, Ruins, Sky

Receive Gold-Rank Materials from the King

After clearing all 16 Challenges in a World (the normal run plus all 3 Challenges of each of the 4 Levels) go and talk to the King. He will give you a Gold Rank Material for that World which can otherwise only be obtained from the Colosseum. It doesn't matter if the Challenges were cleared in Multiplayer or Solo Mode, as long as all 16 Triangles are lit up on the Board. You can only receive 1 of each Material from the King.

How to Unlock
1. Supple Leaf
Clear all Challenges in Woodlands
2. Thornberry
Clear all Challenges in Riverside
3. Divine Whiskers
Clear all Challenges in Volcano
4. Beastie Patch
Clear all Challenges in Ice Cavern
5. Brittle Papyrus
Clear all Challenges in Fortress
6. Golden Insect
Clear all Challenges in The Dunes
7. Gold Dust
Clear all Challenges in The Ruins
8. Fabled Butterfly
Clear all Challenges in Sky Realm


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