Escape From Zombie City

Escape From Zombie City

Escape From Zombie City

Escape the city before a bombing raid starts by blasting through hordes of zombies that have overrun the streets.

The military sent in forces to suppress the zombie infested city, but they were wiped out. The government had no choice but to issue a large-scale bomb raid over the surrounding area.

The time limit is morning.
You are a soldier that has been left behind.
Can you make it out alive?!

Use any weapon you can get your hands on to keep the zombies off your back as you race to get out of the city before the bombing raid hits....


Escape From Zombie City

Escape the city before a bombing raid starts by blasting through hordes of zombies that have overrun the streets.

The military sent in forces to suppress the zombie infested city, but they were wiped out. The government had no choice but to issue a large-scale bomb raid over the surrounding area.

The time limit is morning.
You are a soldier that has been left behind.
Can you make it out alive?!

Use any weapon you can get your hands on to keep the zombies off your back as you race to get out of the city before the bombing raid hits....

Tom Create
Tom Create
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