Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger

Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger

Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger

Professionally scripted and filmed in Hollywood, ORIGIN's multi-million dollar production combines the entertainment of film-making with the interactivity of gaming. The result is a spectacular spaceflight adventure! Adrenaline, romance, humor, danger - Wing Commander III has all this and more. This intriguing story completes the turbulent chronicles of the Terran-Kilrathi war. The final showdown takes place on one of the homeworlds. But only you can write the ending...


Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger

Professionally scripted and filmed in Hollywood, ORIGIN's multi-million dollar production combines the entertainment of film-making with the interactivity of gaming. The result is a spectacular spaceflight adventure! Adrenaline, romance, humor, danger - Wing Commander III has all this and more. This intriguing story completes the turbulent chronicles of the Terran-Kilrathi war. The final showdown takes place on one of the homeworlds. But only you can write the ending...

Simulation > Space > Combat
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Debug menu

From a previously saved game, boot any one of the fourdiscs. Hold LS + P at the New game/Load game/Continuescreen. Press A when the Continue option is highlighted.Alternatively, start a new game and enter a call sign of Originsystems, Bean, Prowler, Skywise, NiceGuy, Batfink, or Trip hawkins. The sound ofa door opening will confirm correct code entry. Then, press LS+ P.

  • Pick Mission: Choose from any of the 53 missions in the game. You can play and continue from the selected mission.
  • Play Movie: Choose and play any movie scene from the game. Most consist of three letters, one for the set-up, and the other two for the results of each of the possible choices. The landing and launching sequences have a different letter for every vehicle.
  • Show Sprites: View any of the 283 sprites used in the game, with size and frame number information.
  • Play In-flight Movie: Plays any of the 438 communication videos.
  • System Flags: When changed from space, this may be used to set four different flags to true or false. Access the debug menu by pressing LS + P (after the menu has been accessed at least one time previously from booting the disk).
  • Killable: set to FALSE to to gain invinicibility through any mission.
  • Bangable: set to FALSE to turn off collision detection.
  • Finger Of Death: set to TRUE. While in flight, press X + A to destroy any highlighted target (enemy or friendly)
  • System access menu: if set to FALSE, will prevent further access to the debug menu.
  • View Objects: View any of the 35 objects in the game with display of RAM usage, number of textures, and size of each texture.
  • Benchmark CD: Displays the speed of the CD drive with checks in 100kb, 1 Mb, 10 Mb, 100 Mb, and 500 Mb seek times. It will also check the throughput of a 393kb blockfile and diskstream.
  • Gameflow flag, Test Stream, Test SFX: These options are inoperable in the consumer version of the game.

Debug Mode

Go to the New Game/Continue Menu, and then hold L and P.

Enter Kilrah without firing a shot

After getting the Temblor Bomb and the cloaking device,fly to the point where you can make a jump. Jump to emerge ata point defended by gun platforms and ships. Activate the cloakingdevice and jump to emerge at a point defended by Thrakhash andother Kilrathi. Jump once more, then sit back and enjoy the ending.

Keep Flint as a wingman

Flint may still be used as a wingman even Rachel wasselected over her as a love interest. Just do not talk to heron the lift.
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