Blister bombs explode; shields buckle but hold. Take any more missile damage and you're toast. Hit the deck! Your reflexes better be faster than theirs. Trouble over every mountain, in every tunnel. Leopard tanks, bloody ambushes, deadly Drak-sai. Find 'em and kill 'em. Bury the stick in a snap roll. Planetary terrains scream by. Look too long and you're meat. Original 32-bit brain-melting space combat!
Blister bombs explode; shields buckle but hold. Take any more missile damage and you're toast. Hit the deck! Your reflexes better be faster than theirs. Trouble over every mountain, in every tunnel. Leopard tanks, bloody ambushes, deadly Drak-sai. Find 'em and kill 'em. Bury the stick in a snap roll. Planetary terrains scream by. Look too long and you're meat. Original 32-bit brain-melting space combat!
Total Eclipse
Blister bombs explode; shields buckle but hold. Take any more missile damage and you're toast. Hit the deck! Your reflexes better be faster than theirs. Trouble over every mountain, in every tunnel. Leopard tanks, bloody ambushes, deadly Drak-sai. Find 'em and kill 'em. Bury the stick in a snap roll. Planetary terrains scream by. Look too long and you're meat. Original 32-bit brain-melting space combat!
Blister bombs explode; shields buckle but hold. Take any more missile damage and you're toast. Hit the deck! Your reflexes better be faster than theirs. Trouble over every mountain, in every tunnel. Leopard tanks, bloody ambushes, deadly Drak-sai. Find 'em and kill 'em. Bury the stick in a snap roll. Planetary terrains scream by. Look too long and you're meat. Original 32-bit brain-melting space combat!
Pause the game and enter the options screen. Highlight resume game and enter the following:
Press B, A, C, A, B, A, Left Shift, Left Shift + Right Shift, X, X. Press pause again and press A, A, B, B, C, C, LS, LS, RS, RS, pause
99 lives
Free Flight Zone
Press P during game play and enter the options menu. Highlight the "Resume Game" option and press B, A, C, A, B, A, LS, LS + RS, X(2). A screen with a small skull will appear to confirm correct code entry. Press LS, A, B, LS, A, B, X(3). The Free Flight Zone is an Ice World that is of unlimited length with no opponents. It can be used to practice flying skills.
Level select
Highlight the "Quit/Preview" option at the main menu. Then, hold X and press B, LS, A. Release X, then press B, LS, A, B, LS, A.
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