Number 34 on Atlanta may not actually be Don Macleanof Washington. He looks suspiciously like President Clinton.
Press and hold LS + RS at the screenthat contains the Slam 'n' Jam 95 title and 3DO logo in the lowerright corner. Release both buttons just after the screen turnsblack. Keeping them pressed will reset the 3DO. Press Pto abort the demonstration game.
Enter Left, Right, Up, Down, C,B, A, Right at the main menu to enable theLeft Field Lefties team. This team is composed of the developersof the game, the original Left Field staff, who were all lefthanded.
Immediately after entering the Left Field code, enter Left,Right, Up, Down, C, B, A,Left. This enables the Monsters team.
Both the Left Field Lefties and the Monsters teams are only availablein Exhibition mode. The activated code is flagged in the savedgame file, making both teams selectable in future games withoutre-entry of the code.
All codes are entered on controller one during theone second black screen that appears between pressing Pat the Visitors stats screen and the tip off. These codes canbe done in conjunction with one another. For instance, to havesmall players, shot percentage, and super slams, hold LS+ A + C while tapping RS. (LS = shot%, A + C = slams, Tap RS = small players)If the code requires LS (e.g. small players with big heads)hold LS momentarily at the end of code entry, while thescreen is still black. It takes a lot of timing, but it can bedone.
If you commit a foul, press P button beforethe computer can attribute that foul to your player. Substituteyour player for a one that you wish to receive the foul and pressP. The substitute player will now be attributed with thefoul that you committed.