At the difficulty selection screen, press Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Up on Controller 1. This turns on the cheat mode. During a match, press the L button to instantly kill your opponent.
The final boss can only be fought when the difficultyis set to "Hard".
The following characters are rated best to worst.
Special moves are very important in winning this game.The major special moves which would really help any player areprojectile special moves, and the slides for characters whichhave them. Special moves should be executed slowly and deliberately.Do not rush when pressing the buttons to activate a specific specialmove.
When fighting the SHADOW King, press start on controller two. The Character Selection Screen should appear. Player two will highlight the question mark, which is the SHADOW King, at the selection screen. Press play on controller two in order to select the SHADOW King while the question mark is highlighted. Player two should be the SHADOW King when the fight begins.