At the end of the last round (whether it be round twoor three), press C (Fierce Attack) as your last hit onyour opponent. Doing so will execute an automatic finishing move.Doing so while on the ground with the enemy will stab their heartand cause a fountain of blood to spurt. Doing so while in theair with the enemy will slice them in two. The finishing moveslook the same for all the fighters, but it is still interestingto end the battle with them.
After putting in the code for level select begin a fight. Hit your opponent 1 time and after that you can hold down the L and R buttons to drain his/her health! You must hit your opponent at least once for this to work. The only way to get rid of this code is to delete the Samurai Showdown memory from your 3DO system.
Lose one game. Pick Resume and press Left, X, Down, Up, Right, Left, Up, X.
Press RS + C to give player 2 a color change.
Press RS + C.
Start the one-player game, then join in with playertwo and pick the player the computer was using. Kill player one.Do not continue and your character will start with the one-playergame again. Join in with controller one, and again pick the samecharacter the computer was using. Kill player two. When the nextone player game starts, your character will be the same characterand color as the computer.
Play a game, lose, and do not continue. Go to the mainmenu, select the resume option, and press Left, X,Down, Up, Right, Left, Up,X. Highlight the "Players Name" option and useLS or RS to select the stage. Note: All Samurai Shodown save games must be deleted to turn off the stage selectoption. Three lines of text will appear at the bottom of the screen: