Panzer General

Panzer General

Panzer General

The year is 1939 and you are a German General with a fresh command in Poland. Anything can happen. Lead well and your inexperienced unit could turn into an overwhelming force plowing through Norway, Belgium, France, North Africa and the Eastern Front. You could even be on the shores of England by 1940 - or in America by 1945. In addition to the campaign game, you can play over 35 progressive scenarios independently as either the Allied or Axis side. Choose from over 350 unit types - from Tiger tanks to B-17 Flying Fortresses. It's time you discovered for yourself what the critics are all...


Panzer General

The year is 1939 and you are a German General with a fresh command in Poland. Anything can happen. Lead well and your inexperienced unit could turn into an overwhelming force plowing through Norway, Belgium, France, North Africa and the Eastern Front. You could even be on the shores of England by 1940 - or in America by 1945. In addition to the campaign game, you can play over 35 progressive scenarios independently as either the Allied or Axis side. Choose from over 350 unit types - from Tiger tanks to B-17 Flying Fortresses. It's time you discovered for yourself what the critics are all...

Strategy > Turn-Based > General
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Finish scenario

To finish any scenario in the campaign game, hold X+ P + C (in that order) and press Left. Amenu will appear allowing the choice of achieving a major victory,minor victory, loss, or quitting the game.

Game bug

A bug in the 3DO version prevents the game from progressingto Washington when a major victory is achieved in Sealion 43.However, the game will allow access to Washington through Sealion40.

Saved Game bug

A save game can only exist with three other game saves(you can only have three other games saved in order to save onegame of Panzer General). SSI has announced no plans to fix this,and contends that because the save game will become very largeas the game progresses, there will be no room for any other games.

Skip Level

Hold X + Pause + C and press Left
Complete the level you are on


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