From the world or level map, press P to displaythe remote control bar. Then, hold RS and press Left,C, Down(2), P, Right(2), A,Down. Use this code from the central area with Rez's domein the center to turn on the TVs and allow any world to be enteredimmediately. Use this code from within a world to turn on allTVs to allow any level in that world to be entered immediately.
Successfully complete all the levels in the Secret World. The bonus credits screen will appear when the game is completed.
Press P to pause game play. Then, hold RSand press Left, C, Down, Left, Right,A, Down, Right, Left. This code resetswith each level.
Crawl on top of the ceiling. When he is below you, hit the anvil and it will fall on him.
To get more points, let the game play by itself. Atany time, you may then start playing your game with the pointsthat the CPU earned.
Use the super-spring to jump off enemies to reach otherwiseinaccessible areas and items. Press LS to run up inclinesand gain more momentum to get height on jumps.
Pause the game and while holding the R button, enter the code:
Face a power-up that bounces. Crouch down and use thetail whip (press B) then use the tongue lash (press A).You must do this very quickly. This is a good way to increaseyour life paw. Note: Do the same thing if you have range in theair.
From the world or level map, press P to displaythe remote control bar. Then, hold RS and press Left,C, Down, Left, Right(2), Up,Right(2). A level select screen will appear.
Hold RS and press Left, C, Down,A, B, C, A, B, C, A,B, C(2), B, A at the title screen.The Planet X level select screen will be displayed. This allowsthe Planet X levels, plus the Planet X Boss level, to be played.