When the fight begins, press P to pause. The at the pause menu, hold L and R on controller one, press C and A to get the cheat menu to appear, then enter the code:
Press P during a fight to display the in-fightmenu. The, press LS + RS + C to displaythe cheat menu where the following codes may be entered.
When throwing any of the slower punches, hold downthe button until the punch completes. Releasing the button earlywill result in a fake punch. Note that the punch timing must bealtered as your boxer becomes fatigued. The best way to make surea punch finishes is practice the timing with one boxer. If yourboxer recoils by getting hit during a punch, the punch probablywill not finish.
The sound of a glove being blocked and the sound ofa glove scoring a hit are different. Watch the graphics for sweator blood flying. The boxer will recoil as well, but this may notbe noticeable depending on the current view. The Custom and TrackCamHigh views are good choices to avoid this problem.
You can fight "dirty" by throwing low blows.This is done by pressing Down/Toward + A or B.The crowd may voice its disapproval. The referee will warn youand/or give you a penalty point.
The best fighting range is at arm's length. Do not get as closeto the fighter as possible and pound away; your hits will be ineffectiveand will waste energy. Close punches (except for uppercuts andclinches) do not have an effective momentum. The optimal punchrange can be found by taking as step back from the closest position.
Move as much as possible. Chase your opponent and try to cornerhim. When he is in the corner, pound him mercilessly at arm'slength.
If low on energy, avoid your opponent. If you become knocked down,run around while avoiding punches and fight defensively untilthe round ends. Your energy will be recovered in the next roundand will allow you to go back on the offensive.
Learn to use defense, and try to anticipate the punches. If youropponent did not throw a punch for a second or two, duck!
As your opponent tires out he will drop his guard more often;take advantage of this situation. Also, watch for your opponentto "fidget" (pull up their shorts, wipe their noses),when they are out of range. With care, you can jump your opponentwhile he is fidgeting and lay one on him.
Avoid being punched until after getting warmed up in the firstround to prevent a knock out.